What is Bull and Bear in the Stock Market?

I am sure you would have heard the term Bull and Bear in Stock Market.

So in this Blog I am going to explain you about the concept of Bull Market and Bear Market.
Let’s start with it,

What is Bull related in Stock Market?

Bull Market is defined by the market going up trend in an aggressive result over the time.
Bull comes in role when the economic environment is growing and optimistic. There is no set back in identifying a Bull market- All type of asset classes such as stocks, Bonds and Real Estate, which can be extent by any period of time.
Bull Market exists when market sentiments are positive, this is a positive period for the investors.
Traders believe the Uptrend pattern, it will go for a longer period of time.
Bull Market will grow the Country’s economy and the Employment level will go high.
All the asset classes will rise during the period of Bull Market.
Increases the Gross of domestic production.
Here, You can expect more returns than in normal conditions. This is the reason why investors buy heavy stocks and also generate big returns on their investments.
It Strengthen the economy.
Confidence of the Investors is high during Bull Market.
Demand on Stocks will be high.

What is Bear related in Stock Market?

Bear Market is opposite of Bull Market.
Bear Market involves high selling ratio, which will be a risk factor for investors, it is because of fear of bigger downfall in the value of stocks in coming days.
The sentiment in Bear Market is negative.  As we cannot predict the future growth of the domestic economy and the world.
Bear Market is the kind of situation where the Market is down trend.
Confidence of investors is low during the Bear Market.
Demand for stocks will be negative.
The GDP rate is fallen during the bear Market.
The major factor in Bear Market is that it involves in selling stocks in larger number.
Unemployment rate is higher in bear Market.
Demands for stocks will be negative in Bear Market.


I hope this blog “What is Bull and Bear in Stock Market” has covered important and basic content about the market conditions with respect to economy uptrend and down trend.

So, hope you acquired basic knowledge before starting a career in trading or investing in Stock Market.


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